Anh Do's Personal Memoir, The Happiest Refugee

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The personal memoir extract “Hello School Peoples .I am Anh” is in Anh Do’s personal memoir, the “Happiest Refugee”. The author is Anh DO and the point of view is Anh Do as well because he wrote it when he was going to school. The author (Anh) is reflecting on, how he was a migrant and how everyone laughed at him, all because he couldn’t pronoun words properly. Also they judged him before they even knew him. Now look at him! The qualities it reveals about Anh is that he’s self-confidence is very low and that he became humorous. The language features that are used in this piece are simile, exaggeration, creative spelling, and repetition. The simile in this is “Saying everything that I had to say like a monotone robot”. The exaggeration I think

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