Anglo Saxon Values In Beowulf

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The Values of the Anglo-Saxons Imagine the distant future, where this world is in the past and the only objects people find is a book or a movie. How would society be portrayed? Researchers would make assumptions about today’s culture just from those artifacts. Today, that is how all researchers gain knowledge about past people and worlds. They analyze what they find, which leads to conclusions about who the people were, what they valued, and what they believed. This is how discoveries were made about Anglo-Saxon culture, their principles, and their values. Important evidence was found, including poems and armor, that contributed to the idea that the main values that Anglo-Saxons had were loyalty, warriors, and wealth. One of the most important …show more content…

From the poem Beowulf, after King Beowulf defeats the dragon, he is still severely injured and about to die a heroic death. He tells Wiglaf he wants the gold that is in the dragon’s lair to be brought to the kingdom for the people. Instead of doing that however, Wiglaf buries the treasures in Beowulf’s tomb to honor his king. As Wiglaf is preparing Beowulf’s grave the narrator says, “They place his ashes, along with all of the dragon’s treasure, in a huge burial tower… They extolled his heroic nature and exploits and gave thanks for his greatness; which was the proper thing, for a man should… praise a prince whom he holds dear and cherish his memory” (From Beowulf 49). The reasons Wiglaf goes against Beowulf’s wishes is because he wants to honor his king with the valuable riches he fought to have, and so he would have it in his afterlife. According to a National Geographic video titled “A Window on Anglo Saxon Life”, “The Anglo-Saxons valued their treasures, and often adorned their fallen warriors with beautiful riches” (A Window). Another reason the Anglo-Saxons valued riches was because it was helpful in settling quarrels. If there were arguments between two people, they would be given gold to stop fighting. The Anglo-Saxons had many uses for gold, which is why they found their riches to be extremely

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