Anger In Carol Tavris'sneaky Emotion '

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Anger is a common negative sneaky emotion that catches most of people off guard even if they try to hide it. Anger may be a good thing as it gives one a way to express his bad mood or negative feelings. It can also help one to find solutions to problems. (Web) Carol Tavris (1944- ), an American social psychologist and feminist, "sees anger as an instinctual survival response" (1) .she sees that getting angry is a natural habit to all humans as everyone can get angry in any time. Tavris says in her book Anger :the misunderstood emotion "Lonard Bekowitz calls advocates of this view 'vertilationists', because they believe it is unhealthy to bottle up feelings" (43) . (Print) Everyone should try to avoid anger to live peacefully with a free of passion mind. Charles Stanley defined anger as a sneaky emotion that catches us because of a real or a misunderstand feeling of insult. (Print) Audre Lorde (1934 –1992), a feminist writer and critic, wrote about the anger of women. the struggles they have in life " the anger of exclusion, of unquestioned privilege, of racial distortions, of silence, ill-use, stereotyping, defensiveness, misnaming, betrayal, and co-optation" (lorde 124).she believes that women's anger can led to progress and change. She says that "Women responding to racism means women responding to anger" (124). (Print) To susi kaplow ,another fiminst writer and critic, anger is the emotion which accompanies the first steps toward liberation. As anger gives one power. She defines it as "an experience shared with other women. All striving to understand their collective situation" (Kaplow 16).

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