Angela's Ashes Adversity

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Frank McCourt shows much suffering in the novel Angela’s Ashes, and uses it as a vehicle to show strength in adversity. It is said that out of adversity comes greatness, and Frank McCourt tells us about his struggles and hardships that led him to achieve great things within this memoir, Angela’s Ashes. Frank McCourt is a perfect example of someone who struggles throughout their whole life, and perseveres through it all, goes after his dreams, and turns his life around. Many who read this book will see Frank McCourt as an inspiration and a role model for sticking to his dreams, and achieving them. At a young age McCourt saw things and had to do things, that not many people have to deal with in their life times. McCourt was the first of seven children, and watched many of them sadly pass away, and took a parent role to the others. In Chapter 1 we see that Mccourt had a little sister named Margaret. Shortly after her birth came death and it not only changed his life, but his whole families. Angela and Malachy, McCourt’s parents, both became very depressed after her death, Angela neglected her children, Malachy started to drink again, and lost his job. The family, poor as it was, had no income coming into the house, and for that moved to Ireland, which changed McCourt's life. When in …show more content…

Working for the post office and delivering mail he saves up enough money to get him to America, and leaves his past behind him for bigger and better things. This is just like my grandfather, I do not remember him, but from stories my mom tell me about him, he sounded like a great man. He lived and grew up in poverty in Puerto Rico, and moved here, to America and made a life for himself. He owned a driving school, and also a car dealership, and achieved great things, he bettered his english, and made a life for him and his family, and my mom said she grew up

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