Andrew Young Research Paper

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Andrew Young On March 12, 1932, Andrew Young was born. His family was wealthier than some, it being a prosperous middle-class family. He was born and raised in New Orleans, LA. They never knew how much he would affect the state of GA, let alone an entire race of people. He made many advancements for the NAACP, and also worked closely with Martin Luther King Jr. He was one of the most influential people of his era, and forever changed the way of life for many. 1932 was a special year. It was the year of the Olympics, and that year they were to be held in New York. Not many people knew of him at the time, but a baby was born that year. His name was Andrew Young, and he would forever change the country. He was born to a prosperous middle-class family in New Orleans, LA. His mother was a schoolteacher, his father a dentist. Born during the period of the Great Depression and Jim Crow Laws, otherwise known as segregation, Young was brought up to believe that "from those to whom much has been given, much will be required." He accepted the large responsibility from an early age, and knew his mission in life. He was going to make a difference, he was going to make life better for his family and others of his race. …show more content…

Young knew this, and wanted to make a pathway for himself. He knew it was going to be tough, so he fully applied himself to his schoolwork. He graduated from Howard University in Washington, D.C., in 1951 with a bachelor's degree in biology. After that he earned a divinity degree from Hartford Theological Seminary in Connecticut. He joined the national council of churches in the same year that President Eisenhower sent in federal troops to protect African-American schoolchildren. He was lucky to receive the amount of education that he did, considering the time that he was in, and the civil

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