Andrew Jackson And Trump Compare And Contrast

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It has been claimed by many that the 2016 presidential election, and specifically Donald Trump’s campaign, is unprecedented. While such a brutal and divisive election season has not been seen in many years Andrew Jackson’s presidential bids share many interesting parallels with Trump’s current campaign. Despite the fact that Trump is running for president almost two hundred years after Jackson his political approach is strikingly similar. Trump and Jackson have used analogous political strategies to secure passionate support from poor and working class white men.
In the presidential election of 1824 no candidate received a majority of the electoral college, meaning that the president had to be decided by the house of representatives. John Quincy Adams won the presidency after securing the support of the speaker of the house, Henry Clay. When Adams subsequently appointed Clay as his secretary of state Jackson …show more content…

Jackson displayed these characteristics through his military history, his many brawls, and his outward toughness. Trump has shown hypermasculine traits through his aggressive behavior towards political adversaries, and his chauvinistic remarks about women. The single most glaring example of Trump’s “alpha” male persona was revealed in a set of tapes from 2005 in which Trump bragged about using his celebrity status to sexually assault women.
Despite the many similarities between Jackson and Trump the electorate has changed significantly since the 1820’s. When Andrew Jackson ran for president his politics fit perfectly with the time. The property restriction on voting was being eased before and during Jackson’s time in office and he was able to energize a large number of new poor, white, male voters with his populist rhetoric. Between the elections of 1824 and 1828 the number of individuals voting rose from 357,000 to around 1.1

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