Andrew 'Banjo' Paterson

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Significance is defined as being “great or important, to be worthy of attention or noteworthy” But what does that mean when it comes to being a significant member of a nation? It does not mean that you had to have explored our lands, built great cities or have run the country; it just means that you had to have helped shape Australia as a nation and form our identity. Andrew ‘Banjo’ Patterson did this and it is why we remember him as a noteworthy and significant Australian.

Born on the 17th of February 1964, his given name was actually Andrew Barton Paterson. Oldest of seven children Paterson lived in Narrambla just outside of Orange. Best know for his poetry it is sometimes overlooked that in his life he was also a solicitor, war officer/ correspondent, novelist and a journalist. His most commonly known name ‘Banjo’ was actually formed in his journalism time, as pseudonym to write under that he derived from the name of a family racehorse.

While his love for the outback and horsemanship came from living in th...

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