And Then There Were None Comparative Essay

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In this paper, I’m going to talk about these two intriguing movies. The movies that I will be elaborating on is “And Then There Were None”, and “Clue”. In my paper, I will be examining the similarities and differences the plot of the two murder mysteries were different and similar. I will also try to find the similarity between the plot of these two movies. In my paper, I will be discussing the difference between the two movies murder scenes. I hope you think my Compare and Contrast paper is intriguing.

In And Then There were there were lots of things that were different than Clue. One thing that was different than Clue is that And then there wasn't on an island. Also in And Then Were None the movie was made in two different periods of time than the clue. Also in And then the butler was killed. In and then there were none the characters had a British accent. In and then there were none the characters were also British.

Even though these two movies are different in many ways they are a lot alike. Clue and then there were none are similar because the people in the murder mystery were invited to a mansion. What these two movies also have in common is that they both have a British butler in the movie. In these two movies, one thing similar with them is that one of the people that got invited to the mansion are the murder. In these two movies, …show more content…

In the two movies, the difference between clue and then there were none is that in clue the murder was unknown and you had to pick what murder story you thought it was. In the movie clue something that was different than and then there were none is that and then there were none was on an island but Clue wasn't. In the movie clue, there were secret passageways in the mansion. In Clue, something that was different is that the butler didn’t die. In Clue, there was an undercover policeman which didn’t happen in And then there were

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