Ancient Rome: The Benefits Of Dictatorship

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While power and authority is a crucial part of any civilization, there are many different ways of ruling. The results can vary depending on how these methods are carried out, and it can have a significant effect on the people living under the ruler.

Firstly, Medieval Europe maintained authority with a monarchy and a feudal system. There was one individual ruler who had supreme authority. Rather than being elected, monarchs were decided via bloodlines. Usually, there was a royal bloodline and the firstborn male would become the next ruler after his father died. There are benefits and downsides to monarchies. A benefit is the sense of national pride and identity having an individual ruler creates in its citizens. A downside is that if the …show more content…

At the beginning of the Roman empire, it was a democracy. However, after the Roman republic fell in 27 BC, it switched to a dictatorship, with the rulers being known as emperors. A dictator is somebody who has absolute control over their nation in a way that is similar to a monarch. Some dictators in Rome were effective and benevolent, such as Trajan and Hadrian, who were well-liked by citizens for being stable and having military knowledge. However, dictatorships can also go bad, such as Caligula or Nero, whose reigns were not popular among Roman citizens. Today, the term ‘dictatorship’ has negative connotations to many people. It is generally assumed that anywhere under the rule of a dictator is oppressed, and so there are few dictatorships left in the world. A well-known example of an existing dictatorship is in North …show more content…

As Pericles said in his famous funeral oration, “power is in the hands not of a minority but of a whole people.” This meant that the citizens of Greece could have a say in who was in control over the government. The people were still required to obey their leaders and their laws, but they had some choice in who and what their leader and their laws would be. Democracy is an effective way of making citizens happy, however, there were often restrictions on who exactly was able to vote, so not every citizen may have been represented. As well, a possible downside to democracies is that it may be harder to take decisive action when there is not one individual person in total power. Ancient Greece’s way of maintaining power through democracy is the most similar to Canada today, as Canada is also considered a democracy. One difference, however, is that Canada has much less restrictions on who can vote. In Ancient Greece, women did not political rights, so they were not able to vote, which is not the case in

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