Ancient Mirrors Of Womanhood And Year Of The Elephant

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“Womanhood is Enough: A Study of the Women in Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood and Year of the Elephant.” Often times in the modern world womanhood is looked down upon and trivialized to the mere existence of our physical attributes. Although womanhood is greatly diverse and intricately layered men are still likely to be looked upon as the more complex sex and are frequently more revered. Repeatedly the media portrays women as sexualized objects only capable of extreme emotions, child rearing, and keeping happy homes. Made up of infinitesimal qualities that come together to make one whole, women can and should be extolled and looked upon for their great contributions to society and strengths both emotionally and physically. Via the stories …show more content…

The story of Wild pony originated within the Jicarilla Apache tribe and was used to explain how the world and people came to be while also explaining how dreams could be valuable to one’s gaining of knowledge. After being created with her partner Smoke, Wild pony is chosen by the spiritual Hatsin to bestow knowledge upon. Coming to speak with her alone repeatedly the Hatsin goes about helpfully giving Wild Pony the advice needed to successfully provide for her family. Towards the end of their journey the Hatsin eventually comes to give its final “gift of knowledge,” (pg 311) which it claims “ is perhaps the greatest gift of all,” (pg 311). This is the gift of peace and wisdom. Through this relationship Wild Pony is able to learn how to establish new traditions for her tribe. The overall prevalence seen in this relationship is that although two people were originally put upon earth, in this story, the spiritual Hatsin see’s the quality in Wild pony and deems her worthy enough to give life changing advice to. Although smoke is around and could equally contribute Wild Pony is chosen as the one to be given the information needed to continue human life on earth. Although both are chosen to “ be the parents of a great and noble tribe,” (pg 309) only Wild Pony is given the wisdom …show more content…

In both novels the main character's womanhood is seen and used as an extension of their strength and not as an inhibitor. Wild Pony would not have been able to pass down her wisdom and power of peace without her womanhood and ability to procreate nor would she have been chosen by the Hatsin. Without her womanhood Zahra would not have been tested as she had and capable of learning about her ability to rise when broken down and forgive when forsaken. Ka Sngi and her sisters would have never been tested by U Bnai or able to come together and use their powers to free their mother's spirit and create earth. With that being said the world in each of these stories would not have been created or transformed without Wild pony, Ka Sngi, and their powers or Zahara and her work with the resistance. Their womanhood proved to be more than enough in these

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