Ancient Greek Law

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Crash Course Ancient Greek Law

First of all before we can get to know about Ancient Greek Law we need to learn about what Ancient Greece is and what the Law is so here we go.

1. Greek, the term we use that refers to Greek people or items, as in people or things that originated from Greece. Such as Greek food, Greek people, and Greek attractions.
- Ancient Greece was the Greek civilization belonging to a period of Greek history. It lasted from the archaic period of the 8th-6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity.
- And just in case you don’t know the archaic period was the name for the time from 620 to 480 B.C., while antiquity is the period in history before the Middle Ages.
- The law is a system of rules that a particular community recognizes to regulate its members as it enforces authority through penalties such as death.

So now we get to the fun part.
There are 3 stages that most legal system progresses go through.
1. A Prelegal society, where there is no established regulations and punishments
2. A Protolegal society, it has rules and procedures but unlike laws the rules...

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