Ancient Greece And Rome Comparison Essay

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Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Two very popular places, as they are known for many things that we, Americans, have learned. Some of these teachings are used, and are very important, as they shaped America today. Learning from their life, form of government, and many other things, they have influenced us greatly. As one can see, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome are two important places historians including yourself, must learn. From this essay you will learn about Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, and their differences and similarities, at least three of each. Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome have differences and similarities on why they are important, and their political ideas, that impacted America today. …show more content…

These people are the Romans. Ancient Rome had many several forms of government. First, they were a monarchy, with a dictator who was a king. They next had a republic, and had a military loyal to king Ceasar. Then they were an empire. As one can see, the Romans had several different forms of government. A popular and important time in Roman life was the Pax Romana. This was a Roman enlightenment period, and there were no wars, and there was peace. This time of no war caused the spread of Christianity, and more time to practice their faiths. This spread of Christianity was VERY important and effective, as there are many Christians today. The Romans very much impacted the lives of many people and their religion today.

This paragraph will focus on both the similarities and differences on why Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece is important. Now, Romans and Greeks are similar when it comes to why they are important in small ways, as in opinion, they are mostly different. They were both similarly important because they have affected America, and have helped shaped our country. How, is a different story. Also they each have introduced us to new and important

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