Ancient Egypt Research Paper

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Ancient Egypt
The Nile river was located near north east Africa. It was a valuable source of ancient Egypt’s. the Egyptians grew huge cities among the Nile river and was around it too. They used it for rich and profitable stocks. The Nile provided food, soil, water, and transportation for many of the Egyptians. Each year powerful floods would roll in and make the soil rich and very fertile for crops to be grown on. The Egyptian art was only viewed for ancient stand points. Their art was usually blocky. Ancient Egyptian art is about five thousand years old. The ancient Egyptian art is a form that revolves round the past and was intended to keep history alive. Many Egyptian artists began to produce sculpture as well as carvings and paintings …show more content…

Later they made them ancient burial grounds and practiced spiritual beliefs as the gods would help them if they were in a time of need that was later to become elaborate mummification techniques. During the period of the old kingdom which was from (c. 2613-2181 BCE) that was the start of many great Egyptian monuments. Such as the Great Sphinx at Gaza, were constructed. The king Djoser built the first step pyramid at Saqqara in c. 2630. The great pyramid of Khufu which is also known as one of the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world still here …show more content…

He looks like A sun disk with rays which end in hands. During the reign of Akhenaten, the Aten was made the king of the gods. Anubis looks like a man with a jackal head he is other known as the jackal. Jackals are usually seen only in cemeteries. Many ancient Egyptians believed that Anubis watched over the dead. Anubis was the god that helped Osiris after he was killed by Seth. Anubis was the god who watched over the process of mummifying people when they died and was believed to be prayed for when mummifying the dead. Priests usually wore a mask of Anubis during mummification ceremonies. Amun is a god that looks like a man with a ram head he also was the man that was wearing an ostrich plumed hat. The Egyptians thought to believe Amun was the gods of gods. Amun is important throughout the history of ancient Egypt. When Amun was combined with the sun god Ra he was even more powerful He was then called

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