Ancient Chinese Contributions

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In our everyday life we see the goods from China. In fact, Chinese people gave been making useful products from the feudal periods. Their inventions were really innovative and useful, despite that, people use these products even nowadays. What is probably the most interesting: a lot of products were unknown in Western world (Europe) for a long time.
During the feudal period Chinese developed their own technique for planting crops. They decided to plant their crops in rows, what allowed them to grow much faster and to be stronger. This ancient nation was so inventive, that understood that with the help of rows the wind blows over them and cannot damage the plant. During the 4th century BC Chinese invented compass: the thing that people use till present time. Even at the early times these wise people firstly used lodestone and iron as divination tools. The same principle was said to be discovered by William Gilbert in 1600. Chinese were really successful, especially inventing the tools, which helped them to cultivate soil. The next, really successful invention was the invention of a seed drill. This instrument was used to plant seeds in rows of a particular depth. The other invention is also connected to the agriculture: the iron moldboard plough. This machine was used to turn over the earth, do that the seeds can be planted. It really helped people in their daily life. In the first century BC Chinese developed another invention which was also very useful one. They invented the technique of deep drilling borehole. People used it to get the gas, which they then used for getting salt from the water. In America the same machine was invented only in 1820’s.
People of China also invented the material which is popular nowadays almost in ...

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... in China. However, I print my works for studying, the books I want to read, and my photos. Printing is everywhere, in every single sphere of my life. I appreciate all the work done by ancient Chinese and consider their knowledge to be the cornerstone of the major world inventions. I think that their authentic culture is worth studying and there are a lot of things, which I would like to learn from this ancient and highly intellectual nation.

Works Cited

Frater, Jamie, 10 Great Ancient Chinese Inventions, April 2009, retrieved from:
Krebs, Robert E. and Krebs, Carolyn A., Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments, Inventions, and Discoveries of the Ancient World, Greenwood Publishing Group. 2003, retrieved from:
Lin, Liyao, Top 10 greatest inventions of ancient China, March 2011, retrieved from:

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