Analyzing The Film 'American Beauty'

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The film “American Beauty” is filled with deeper meanings that lay beneath the surface. In the film a certain theme is displayed, people act differently than who they really are. This theme is shown in a strong majority of characters, whether the character is from the Burnham family or the Fitts family or neither. As mentioned the Burnham family displays this theme very well. If you saw Carolyn Burnham walking down the street you’d see her as a smart, wealthy, real estate agent. She goes to her daughter’s cheerleading performances and makes sure the lawn is in peak condition, however in reality Carolyn is the exact opposite of the well put together real estate agent she seems. An example of this being when she tries to sell a house early on …show more content…

Colonel Frank Fitts is an army veteran who has just moved into the suburban neighborhood and is neighbors with the Burnhams. He seems to be a traditional mans man, he served his country, is married, has a son, and lets say he isn’t the biggest fan of homosexuals. He seems polite to Jim and Jim when they first meet, but when he’s driving Ricky to school his true self comes out as he goes on a rant about how much he dislikes homosexuals. That is the one thing he is extremely adamant about. Yet when he goes to confront Lester whom he thinks is gay and has seduced his only son he isn’t boiling with rage or in undeniable grief. He seems lost and confused, and when he asks Lester about Carolyn’s location and Lester responds with “I don’t care” Frank breaks down. Lester tries to comfort him as they share an awkward hug, then Frank does the unexpected and kisses Lester. This shows the exact theme the movie is projecting, Frank seems like the manliest guy alive, he even has his own gun collection, yet who he’s really a closet homesexual, or is sexually confused. But, it’s not just Frank, who shows this theme, his son Ricky does as well. Ricky shows this theme two different times, the first is how his father perceives him, the second is how Angela and Jane first perceive him. In his father's eyes Ricky is a smart kid who is on the straight and narrow, he has a stable job at a fancy restaurant, and doesn’t do drugs …show more content…

Angela is one of the best examples for this being a theme for the movie, as she provides two solid examples. The first being the way she acts and talks. Early on in the film Angela and Jane are standing outside in the schoolyard as Angela talks about this time she was doing a model shoot, and the photographer and her engaged in a sexual act. The other girls seem shocked and surprised by it, yet Angela acts very nonchalantly about it and continues on the conversation until the other girls storm off until they call her a slut. Another example is when Angela and Jane are driving to Jane’s house the night Lester dies, Angela asks Jane about Ricky, and how sex is with him, Jane dismisses it and does not want to talk about. Angela keeps on pressing and says “Why? I tell you about every guy I’ve had sex with”. These aren’t the only two examples, but the point is that Angela acts like a girl that’s had a ton of sexual encounters, but the truth is she’s a virgin, she’s never been with a guy. At one point she’s even called out on her fakeness by Ricky, in the scene where Ricky and Jane plan to move to New York. Angela says to Jane “Yeah? Well, at least I'm not ugly! ” Ricky counters that with, “Yes, you are. And you’re boring, and you’re totally ordinary, and you know it”. The truth is that she is all of those things, that is the real Angela, she puts on this mask

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