Analyzing The Cheesecake Factory's Code Of Ethical Conduct

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Every statement in the Cheesecake Factory’s code of ethical conduct is vital for the success of the company. There are key elements of the company’s code of ethical conduct that play an important role of significant for The Cheesecake Factory.
The first occurs in Article I, in the “Conflicts of Interest,” section that apply to an individual personal interest. This part of the article states that an employee or a director, of the company cannot improperly use his/her position with the company for personal gain or for the benefit of relatives, friends, or for the benefit of another business in which she/he have such a relationship. This is a moral principle because a person who is in a leadership position should not use their power to help their families and other relatives to acquire a higher position within the company like hiring, promotion or personal gain. Another aspect of The Cheesecake Factory’s code of ethical conduct that is very important for everyone to fallow is in Article V, in the “Compliance with Company Policies and Procedures,” this section explain confidential …show more content…

It states that, “ An officer or director shall pay close attention the company’s policy prohibiting trading on the basis of material, non-public information. This company rule states that any inside trading that has a legit value can cause a company to crumble.
There are key procedures that a company, like The Cheesecake Factory, can take in order to emphasis their employees follow the code of conduct. One such step is to have a litigation department that handles disputes, violations of the code of conduct, and investigations regarding violations of the code of conduct. This procedure makes it possible for the company and the employee to work together as a whole to protect the company interests. Another procedure that company such as The Cheesecake Factory can emphasize is to make every new and current employee sign a code of conduct

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