Analyzing Poetry

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Life carries us like a river just as our mother carries us as babies. In the poem "The Rio Grande and a Mother's Hands" Jimmy Baca Santiago embraces the Rio Grande because like its season's that come and go life has many changes that are temporary. This poem also expresses the many uses of the Rio Grande which offered freedom, but does not hold in all of the negatives.This poem is very relatable because it shows the hardships in life but also shows that life can get better.Life often has hardships and the unexpected may happen but that is what makes life beautiful.Change is not always so bad, sometimes it is good. In the poem "The Rio Grande and a Mother's Hands", the poet makes the Rio Grande a symbol of life which is accepting to change and allows life to continue on even when things change like the season's do for the river. The reflection of nature's ways flowed through Jimmy Santiago as he expresses the selfless version of his self. The title of the poem is very warming and catching. From the title I can infer that the poem is about a river that offers safety and security like a mother's arms. I was very impressed by this poem because it relates to many people who enjoy the Rio Grande river,I like this poem because of the diction."The Rio Grande and a Mother's Hands" has an enthralling theme, Jimmy Baca Santiago takes you on a journey with his vivid words and picturesque landscapes that lead to your heart.The theme of the poem is that the Rio Grande river acts as a mentor showing that it is okay to let go of the pleasantries in life. The poet is very positive towards the Rio Grande with a appreciative tone.Jimmy Baca Santiago wrote this poem to express how grateful he is for this river because it offers many things like the ... ... middle of paper ... ...ed to just be about freedom, but later on I learned it had a deeper meaning about embracing where you have been and where you are going and taking life as the Rio Grande takes the season's.I would recommend this poem to friends and I think they would enjoy it because it is a great poem with a wonderful theme and diction.This poem is very relevant in today's world because it is a very relatable poem for anyone because it tells about the unexpected and mishaps in life. "The Rio Grande and a Mother's Hands"will still continue to be relevant in the future because no matter what time period you live in life will always have its hardships and people can always learn from the past. Readers are inspired by this poem because it gives people hope for life and advises readers to be accepting to change and whatever else life happens to offer because life will always have errors.

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