Analyzing Piaget's Theory Of Cognitive Development

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I fulfilled your goals in taking this class because I have learned many valuable knowledge such as theories of cognitive development, the development of measured intelligence, and the development of moral understanding. In addition, I learned about different techniques to teach with the brain in mind, and I also had better understanding in how the brain functions help me to understand better about myself and the children. Then, I am going to use my knowledge about cognitive development and how the brain’s works to support the children in their learning. Moreover, I had many opportunities to improve my writing and speaking in English while working actively on four types of learning activities such as discussions, journals, reading reflections, and written assignments.
This class added to my knowledge of working with children. For example, while reading the chapter three of the book Cognitive Development written by Lisa Oakley, I noticed language is played importance role in Vygotsky’s theory about cognitive development. In Oakley (2004) suggest that education should offer many …show more content…

His theory has a great impact on education. For example, “Piaget did not think that children simply absorb knowledge. He thought that they can learn by being actively involved in the process. Therefore, good learning requires participation. Active involvement leads to a great sense of interest and understanding. (Oakley, 2004, pp. 31). I feel this information stood out for me because this quote reminds myself about good learning requires participation because children will learn best as they play. In addition, children will read the world around them by being actively involved in the process. Therefore, as a teacher, I need to provide children enough space, time, opportunities, materials to promote children to participating actively in the learning

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