Analyzing Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie Aphorism

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Tuesdays With Morrie is written by Mitch Albom for the purpose of spreading the word of and old college professor of his, who is dying of ALS. He comes up with many aphorisms in his dying days. The one aphorism that hits home the most for me is “. . . love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone” This aphorism is one of the more important ones in my eyes. Morrie is basically saying to love everyone and smile at everyone because just one smile can start a friendship or brighten someone’s day. This aphorism applies to my daily life in 2 ways. One is that at school I try to be kind to people who come up to me and say hi and who want to be a friend or someone to talk to. It could be anyone. If someone I have never seen in my high school

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