Analyzing Erikson's Eight Stages Of Human Development

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Erik Erikson created eight stages that apply to the human development of a person throughout their lifetime. The first stage, Mistrust vs. Trust of Erikson’s theory occurs in infancy, which occurs roughly from birth to 18 months. In this stage, the individual learns how to trust other individuals and also the idea of parents providing children with food, shelter, sustenance, and a comfortable and secure environment for the child to live in. The second stage is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, this is categorized by the age of two to three-year-olds. This stage covers the idea of taking care of themselves, such as changing clothes, feeding themselves and providing themselves with a sense of independence. The third stage is termed Initiative vs. …show more content…

The idea of exploration comes into play with children as they are becoming able to make their way through the world. The fourth stage being Industry vs. Inferiority from the ages of six to 11 years old. During this time period, the children should be able to understand logical reasoning and scientific facts. At this age, the children are entering the world of sports and are becoming involved in competitiveness. The fifth stage is known as Identity vs. Role Confusion which usually occurs between the ages of 12 to 18. In this stage, children are trying to determine their social identity, while beginning to make friends as well. The sixth stage is Intimacy vs. Isolation. This stage is typically around people between 19 to 40 years old who are trying to start relationships. During this time, the young adult is trying to find the right person where they are able to feel loved by someone special. The idea to feel intimacy and isolation come in to play if the stage is not resolved. The seventh stage is known as Generativity vs. Stagnation. This stage typically occurs to people between the ages of 40 to 65 years old who are trying to find a job while also starting a …show more content…

With this information, I was hoping I would be able to view the difference between how she completes Erikson’s stages compared to how I complete the stages. During the first stage, my sister was able to create a loving relationship with her mother and father in which they cared for her and were her number one supporters. With this in mind, my sister was able to trust people at such a young age, meaning she had completed this stage and was able to progress to the next stage. The next stage consisted of my sister becoming independent and beginning more mobile. While I had the opportunity to grow up beside my sister I was able to observe how my sister adapted to her environment by making her own choices. Between the ages of three to five-years-old my sister was able to progress to learning new skills in school during Initiative vs. Guilt. Considering the fact that my sister who is a junior at Bangor High School I have come to see her adopting the skills she learned when she was young and applied them to her school work today. The following stage was the idea of finding your social identity. During this stage, I never really observed my sister resolving or not resolving this stage. In my family, discovering your social identity wasn’t something that needed to be decided. So in this case, she basically skipped over the stage but to this day looking back I can view my sister as resolving the stage. This stage consisted of my sister making new

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