Analyzing Emma Gonzale's Speech 'We Call BS'

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Generic criticism is a method that seeks to understand how people react or respond to information that was given through a specific genre determining if the artifact was a good or bad example. Every genre has a set of expectations that have been developed over time through use of repetition and patterns. Determining if the artifact was placed in the right genre. Generic criticism looks into the situational, stylistic, and substantive elements of each genre and artifact. There are three different types of ways to analyze the artifact, the first is generic description, second is generic participation, and finally generic application. I will be using generic application to determine is Emma Gonzale’s speech “We Call BS” is an effective example of a persuasive speech. Generic application involves four steps to determine if the article is a good or poor example of the genre. When choosing to analyze through generic application is means that we take the genre and look at its situational, substantive and stylistic strategies and compare them to the artifact that was placed in that …show more content…

She is very involved and a leader in many clubs, she is the president of gay-straight alliances, a leader in project Aquila, and she is a part of AP governor at school. Emma wrote and delivered this speech regarding the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on February 17, 2018 going viral and gaining a lot of attention. The Stoneman shooting happened on February 14, 2018 in parkland Florida, where 17 teens were murdered by 19 year old and former student Nikolas Cruz. After this speech Emma had an interview with Ellen and was talked about through all social media outlets. The speech consisted of how she personally felt as a victim and how unjustice the system is on gun control. Her overall goal in the speech was to gain attention from everyone listening or watching and pressure the lawmakers in changing gun

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