Analyze The Pros And Cons Of Graduate School

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The graduate school preparation workshop, provided information on what graduate school is and how to prepare for it. The workshop was directed by Wanda Crannell an Oregon State University advisor, instructor and program coordinator. Wanda Crannell has been an advisor for the past 24 years and bioresearches. The primary goal of this workshop, was to analyze the pros and cons of graduate school, if one is a good candidate, and how one can prepare to stand out from the rest when applying to graduate school in whatever field of study within the STEM field. The worship consisted of Nicole Hams a biochemist and biophysicists, Smit Vasquez Caballero an economist, Melinda Guzman specialized in botanic and plan pathology, and Johan S. Bonilla a physicist. …show more content…

As part of an underrepresented community, I find that it is difficult to understand all the recourses available at only an arm’s length away. It is difficult to be informed of even how to get into college when most of our parents did not even finish elementary school nonetheless high school. Previous to my junior year of high school, I did not even know what an honors student was or that such a thing as a valedictorian existed. It is not easy to set goals that one wants to achieve to get from point A to point B when one does not even know what has to take place first. This workshop truly opened my eyes to the possibility of graduate school, a thing, that to me seems so far away seeing as no one of my family has done so. The workshop was also inspiring in seeing and getting to hear the graduate students from underrepresented communities speak of why they chose to take the path of graduate school regardless of the fact their parents or siblings did not. I found it inspiring to hear each one of the graduate students speak of what they are currently studying because they all spoke with a passion in their voices that I wish to speak with one day when sharing what I am studying

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