Analysis of the Opening Sequences of The Matrix

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Analysis of the Opening Sequences of The Matrix

'The Matrix' is a philosophical sci-fi film, which was created in 1998

and was released in 1999, at the time there had been significant

advances in computer technology so this film would have been

appropriate for the time. It was produced by the American, Joel Silver

and was directed and created by the Wachowski Brothers, Larry and

Andy, following a dream Larry had about an alternative reality such as

the one explored in 'The Matrix.'

The main plot is about a computer vs. human war, this is what Larry

and Andy believe may take place in the future. There were many

technological advances made during the making of the film such as

bullet time which makes movement look super-natural and as if time has

been slowed.

'The Matrix' went on to be a highly successful and popular film and

spawned two sequels 'The Matrix Reloaded' and 'The Matrix Revolution.'

It also influenced many other films such as 'Shrek', which was

produced in 2001. The film is very philosophical and profound, it

raises many questions about choice and whether choice is valuable. It

also shows the viewers the things that should be valued in life such

as love, kindness and compassion

The film begins with neon green Japanese symbols scrolling down the

screen; this instantly shows the viewer the sci-fi theme of the film.

The symbols change in size and thickness and fade in and out. The

digital symbols that scroll down the screen are the colour of the

original computer text, this is fairly significant but the viewers are

oblivious to this. There are high-pitched beeping noises and a women

and man speaking in the background. This raises many questions for the

audience, as they do not know what they are talking about. The

high-pitched beeping noises create a futuristic and eerie setting,

which sets up the rest of the film for the audience. The two people

talking on the phone sound mysterious and strange and there are a lot

of things that are unexplained and questions raised for the viewers.

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