Analysis of the Article Don’t bother!

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Analysis of the Article " Don’t bother!" Posted recently by T.J. Straith on a British website titled a kind of online financial resource that offers information and services to individuals in the modern workplace –the article " Don’t bother!" provides a somewhat comical yet focused, criticism-based look into the pitfalls associated with investing in today’s tech-related startup companies- the kind that base future earnings, market demand and overall success on guestimation and facts from the current market. Designed to serve as a massive attack against the idea of investing in newly developed or developing tech companies, the article in itself -through the use of objective facts, detailed descriptions of the market, example situations, and even personal experience based on the author’s own investment in a failed tech-company- provides the reader with enough information to understand the truths behind the market, accomplished in an almost completely objective fashion, and then calls for modern investors to place value in realistic goals and not the “the hyperinflationary world of dotcom valuations.” As an opinion article, Straith’s intent is obviously to educate the reader in such a way that brings the person to his level of understanding- a level at which the hype behind new tech companies should be taken with a pound of salt. In general, the author relies heavily on denotative language to hold the article together, which essentially holds the audience in place. “The dotcom craze infected whole economies.” Deep reflections on society, religion, philosophy, or anything else representative of connotative language clearly have no real place in the article- it’s designed to inform... ... middle of paper ... ...efit. Hands down, Straith does a fine job of delivering a warning message. Identifying a byproduct in this article is tough- it’s designed to inform readers of many different classes, does it’s job, and leaves no apparent avenue of misunderstanding down which a reader might lose him or herself in a mess of unrelated or confusing facts. His use of informal tone, understandable language, and mild humor is enough from which readers can reap an understanding, business people and common-types alike. His writing style and method of delivery support his goal of informing potential investors of the common blind-sightedness that has been such a dominant factor towards dotcom investing in the past, while his apparent interest in the financial welfare of others is a credibility-adding factor that- the mind of the reader –can set him aside from other authors in his class.

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