Analysis of The Little Prince

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I. Tone

The tone of The Little Prince is often lonely and fragile-sounding, much like the little prince himself, when he ventures into the world of adults in an attempt to understand them. The writer emphasizes, throughout the story, that loneliness is what isolates the adults rather than children because they are unable to see things with their minds, hearts, and imagination. Both the protagonist (the little prince) and secondary protagonist (the narrator) lead lonely lives because of this isolation due to the differences between the minds of children and adults. "So I lived my life alone, without anyone that I could really talk to," writes the narrator, before his plane crashes in the middle of the Sahara. He explains this in the first few chapters - living his life alone - because this 'world of grownups' does not understand him and wishes for him to talk of their idea of 'sensible' and 'practical' things. This made him very lonely, not so much in a physical sense, but so that he could never really find anyone to relate to. The narrator explains that after flat responses to his imaginative observations to things, "'Then I would never talk to that person about boa constrictors, or primeval forests, or stars. I would bring myself down to his level. I would talk to him about bridge, and gold, and politics, and neckties. And the grown-up would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible man.'" In one of my magazines is an article called, "Popularity Truths & Lies," where popular girls talk about their social status. In large, red print, it says, "Lie: Popular girls are never left out or lonely." The girls then go on to explain how sometimes, they feel as if they are making so many friends only because of their popularity. They say that it's great to be popular, but difficult to find someone that really wants to befriend them for true qualities rather than social status. The situations between the narrator of The Little Prince and these popular students is that it seems that they would never be isolated (popular students from their admiring peers and the supposedly sensible-minded narrator from the adult world) - physically, at least - but inside the kind of friend they are really longing for is someone to understand and honestly talk to in order to end the abstract barriers between these worlds of people.

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