Analysis of Romeo and Juliet's Exchange in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Analysis of Romeo and Juliet's Exchange in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare explains 3 types of love, Courtly, arranged and

spontaneous and even more. Love is one of the powerful emotions known

by the human being. The most renown play Romeo + Juliet and has found

it's place in history. Shakespeare packs a great deal of meaning into

each line. You can read Romeo + Juliet to find out about Elizabethan

life, but in them you will also see reflected back at you the

unchanging aspects of humanity. It seems as if Shakespeare looked for

things that wouldn't change like love, power, honour, friendship and

loyalty. We see love: at first sight, which is one-sided and between

young lovers. We also see love in old ages between members of one

family and lost and found again. The modern reader will face certain

difficulties in Romeo and Juliet. These difficulties consist not so

much in the strength of the words or the structure of the sentence.

The names Romeo and Juliet have come to epitomize passionate young

love; so successful was Shakespeare in creating these characters

through the power of poetry. Romeo and Juliet's love caused

complications, both Romeo and Juliet should have married someone their

father approved of. If they married someone who had money they would

gain a lot of power. But they broke the rules of their upper class,

Romeo had changed and had a different attitude and behaviour and was

out of character. Romeo and Juliet followed their hearts and not their

heads and by following their hearts it lead to death. Romeo is down in

the dumps and he has only come to the ball to see Roséline. Juliet is

waiting for Paris a...

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...n a quandary, her

world has been turned upside down. If Romeo was not a Montague he

would be welcome. They both are young but engaged in the thrill in it.

Romeo here, he exalts the power of love. "My life is my foes debt"

says Romeo. Juliet's response - "Too early seen unknown, and known too

late." She has forgotten all about Paris and that she has passed her

heart to Romeo. Romeo is a grave danger, he is unprotected alone and

he is seen as an intruder on Capulet property. Romeo ignores this

danger. Nightfalls and a traditional time for love, the moon and stars

shine bright. At night dreams take place. The young couple are willing

to take matters further. Romeo sees Juliet. "What light through yonder

window breaks?" The use of hyperboles indicates the totality of his

enrapture. Romeo compares to shiny celestial bodies.

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