Analysis: Self-Portrait Collage

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Grade 9 Culminating Reflection Self-Portrait collage - Mixed Media : By Arane A collage is any Images of words, pictures, Items, quotes that are put together/ combined to express about yourself or anything. The subject of my collage is about ourselves. The first step I did to start my collage is painted a layer on. I made swirls around the painting . After that I put on the second layer but went diagonal across the canvas. Then I blowed dryed it, and I did the swirls again as my 3rd layer. Once that was all dried I started to paste on the words I have chosen for my collage. I used a glaze that is like glue to stick it on.The way I pasted my collage was I put then around where the swirl is so it can emphasize the …show more content…

For example the glitter dust I have pasted then in a long oval or in lines. This choice reflects my personality because I’m not simple I extraordinarily awesome. Additional materials I’ve chosen was glitter glue, sparkle dust, gemstones.I chose these materials because In my opinion I knew that they would stand out of the college rather than nothing. Also these material help balance out the collage so It is not to crowded. The words I have selected was New York, special, fun, discover, best, worth, ordinary, life, celebrate, sun, famous, amaze, stylish, enjoy, home, city, extra. I have chosen these words because all these words really say about me. For example I love the city -NewYork, I ‘m more to be with when your hang around with me. Also I can dress very stylish or even celebrate the little things that you would not expect. Or as I can discover new things to help make it better. The principles of art that I used to arrange the words, were balance and gradation. For balance all extra things I’ve added I made sure that everythings is like opposite not in one spot. For example the glitter glue I did opposite side of each other on the border so It is not clumped or have one colour in one area. To succeed in my work the most import elements of art was texture, shape, space, colour value. These elements are important because in my collage these are the main things that stand out. For example my collage is not all crowded by each other there is space between them so it can contrast the main point of view. Texture is very important, because in the collage there is lots of texture as the little drop or glitter glue, the sparkle dust that makes it rough when you touch. The gem stones , also the paint itself where there is lines

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