Analysis Of Working At Wendy's

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With hindsight comes insight. When looking back at experiences, connections, and meanings can reveal themselves to us. That then provides a greater depth of understanding for that experience, providing assurance of if we make good choices despite harsh judgment. In the essay “Working at Wendy’s”, the narrator Joey nurtures his understanding for what it means to work a low-end job and to understand that people can’t be judged fully on their current career position. I too have had similar experiences where over time and with past reflection, I have noticed and understood things differently than I did in the moment. I want to describe how and what Joey learned as he progressed in his work at Wendy’s, then describe my own similar experience, then …show more content…

I think a common theme between the two would be people have prejudices and an unwillingness to think beyond a label. In “Working at Wendy’s” Joey faces people’s judgments on him just because of his uniform and job. He is a good person and is just in-between jobs but had to get something in the meantime. Yet people consider him to be a failure at life befitting for ridicule. Joey faced people’s judgments every day for no reason other than superficial things that say nothing about the person inside the Wendy’s uniform he was wearing. They see the uniform and all they see is the label “Wendy’s Employee” or “Fast Food Servant”. So in a similar way, I face people’s judgments and assumptions when I tell them I was “homeschooled”. When they hear the word “homeschooled”, they picture me yanked out of school by an overbearing mother who would lecture me all day or that I was prohibited from social contact beyond my home. They instantly question why would I ever put up with homeschool, how could I have lived with myself in such a horrible childhood. When in reality I had a great childhood. Homeschool was my idea and it gave me free time, time to do more socializing, learning and development than any other person my age that were instead stuck in classrooms for 6 hours a day. These things though are trends and responses I didn’t understand at first, why people think certain things until later on. Same with Joey, it takes time to process why people say judgmental things, to not be hurt but to understand and reason on why they think this or that. Hindsight provides an ability to make connections using further understanding that comes with time. We are told to “never judge a book by its cover” but that’s exactly what a majority of people do very quickly. Insight though can bring assurance and understanding where judgments are trying claw down confidence in decisions. Whether it be out choice to work a “low-end job” to

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