Analysis Of Woody Allen's The Kugelmass Episode

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Woody Allen's The Kugelmass Episode is the extension of the relation between the reader and the literature poised by the reader with critical response as it portrays the relationship that is distinct between the reader and the literature as well as the connection that is representative of the reversed reader critical response. In this case the protagonist is a literal entry into the text of Madame Bovary with the metaphorical interpretation with professor Sidney Kugelmass telling the magician known as The Great Persky to "ensure that the book before the 120th page" as he means this literary.
It is added by Kugelmass to Madame Bovary's meaning of simply adding which to The Kugelmass Episode meaning as the reader reads the story of Allen with metaphorical "entry of the text" with readers likewise reading of Madame Bovary in Allen's "The Kugelmass Episode and its metaphorical entry into the novel of Flaubert.
The analyst tells Kugelmass of his need to have an affair at which point he is cautioned by Dr Mandel who informs him of his unrealism as he makes the decision of the need of a magician instead of an analyst. Persky calls him while Kuglemass responds by saying " I need romance I need music I need love and beauty" to which Persky responds by explaining to him that if "any novel is thrown into the cabinets with him and the doors shut, he should proceed by tapping it three times as he finds himself projected into the book where any one of the women created can be met by the best writers of the world."
Kugelmass' need for a French lover leads him to select Emma Bovary as the representation of a wife that is antithesis which creates a thought in him of Daphe as an oaf as she is overweigh with his implication of her being that he ...

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... the predicament that he will get himlself into or even create. Persky throws a copy of the paperback copy of Flaubert's novel along with Kugelmass into the cabinet where after he meets Emma and remarks that "she spoke with fine English in the same way as the translated paperback" at which point his illusions are transformed into a reality as he is engaged in an affair with Emma Bovary (Allen, 1982).
This is stated in his remark" My goodness, I am with Madame Bovary even as a failed English freshman" as the reader is presented with his escapades with Emma as provision of excitement of his actual life inadequate provisions. The mythical journey of Professor Kugelmass is one of his imaginative escape to a land of fantasy with the driven force that is illusory in the artistic form as one the techniques that is more marveling and interesting in The Kugelmass Episode.

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