Analysis Of Women Protests By Greg Mortenson

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Authors often use literature to convey messages about social issues that occur globally. Greg Mortenson’s memoir reflected many issues that are dealt with on a day to day basis. Women’s rights is a topic that many would assume is no longer a concern, but in many places women still need to fight for their equality. To obtain their rights, women have to fight against the government and set beliefs about women and their role in society. First off, the government plays a substantial role in the rights of women and can make it very difficult for females to have the same rights as males. An example of this is the recent fight of women’s rights in Brazil due to the new president Michel Turner. According to Nana Soares, “Activists have condemned many of his decisions, among them, stripping the Secretariat of Policies for Women of its ministerial status.” The actions of the president is a step back for the women who live there. It is hard to fight against the government, but protests are an effective way to prove a point and take a stand. …show more content…

In the Middle East, Arab uprisings that included many women activists made a major impact on their society. According to the Washington Post, “The Arab uprisings of early 2011 disrupted virtually every dimension of Arab politics and societies, forcing a systematic reevaluation of many long-held political science theories and assumptions. The place of women in politics and the public sphere was no exception.” These uprisings were just the beginning to long road on the way to women’s

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