Analysis Of Win Flexibility, By Karen Kornbluh

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In her essay, “Win-Win Flexibility,” Karen Kornbluh explains the need for workplace changes due to changing family structures. Kornbluh explains that norms have shifted from a traditional family consisting of a breadwinner and a homemaker to what she coins a juggler family. According to Kornbluh, a juggler family is characterized by, “two working parents or an unmarried working parent” (323). By making changes, traditional work schedules can be altered to increase flexibility and better accommodate juggler families. In addition to the shift in family structures, parents are now working longer hours and have limited opportunities to take time off or change their work schedule. As a result of long, inflexible hours, many working individuals find it difficult to care for children or provide care for elderly or ill family members. Due to this, large sums of money are spent on childcare each year, and many children still do not receive the level of care that they need (Kornbluh 323). …show more content…

Kornbluh explains that such jobs are scarce. When flex-time or part-time jobs are available, they are typically not viable options for families because they do not provide benefits, the potential for career growth, or adequate wages (Kornbluh 323). As a result of this, parents are forced to work full-time jobs with long hours. These jobs are very demanding and rarely provide paid leave to care for newborn children or family members with failing health. These factors further validate the need for increased flexibility in work

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