Analysis Of Where Am I Daniel Dennett

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“Where Am I?” by Daniel Dennett, addresses the complex philosophical matters of perspective and dualism. It is a bit of a bizarre science fiction tale, about a man whose brain was removed and stored in a vat at a lab. The twist is that the brain in the vat is still able to be fully functional from afar using radio signals, giving our main character, Dennett, a literal mind and body separation. Later his body it comes out that his body is capable of being controlled by a computer (referred to as Hubert) that thinks identically to Dennett. In the finale of the story, we find out that the computer has diverged from Dennett’s brain (referred to as Yorick) and has come to think independently on its own. Dennett is essentially being controlled by
How could Dennett breathe, talk, move, function, or even live without a brain? All human beings must have a brain to be alive, so given that premise, we know that Dennett has access to a brain somehow, or as Dennett would describe it, his brain has access to his body. So the wild idea that Dennett’s brain is in a vat sending signals through wires and then through radio signals seems more plausible now. The radio antennas that are implanted into his head further back up this
He claims that two entities are controlling his body, which is unheard of. If we assume that Dennett’s brain is in a vat sending radio signals to his body, is it that unfathomable that a computer could be capable of sending its own brain inputs through radio signals as well? After all, if radio signals are capable of sending and receiving brain waves, and we know that computers are capable of sending and receiving radio signals, the only missing component here, is the issue of whether or not computers are capable of thinking like a human brain. Artificial intelligence has been a growing field that has been trying to solve this problem and has made some proven minor strides in this field, so it’s not completely out of the question that someone was capable of creating a strong artificial intelligence capable of replicating the human mind. While this is very theoretical, this line of thinking shows that there could be some more truth to Dennett’s claim. It’s not entirely impossible for this scenario to be false as the government is

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