Analysis Of We Real Cool By Gwendolyn Brook

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In the “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brook, is a short poem that the author discusses the youth and the choices they are facing. In 1959 the poem was written and published in her 1960 book of The Bean Eater. Around the time where segregation took place and African American were involved. With many youths being involved questioned the society and it role. They were looked at different and gave up on a lot of important things that the future had in stored. With the poem “We Real Cool” seem to be about boys in that time growing up struggling with their identity. The pool players of seven boys named the Golden Shovel and the pool symbolized a pool hall. The number seven was associated with a lucky number for them. The small gang figured that they needed the luck to survive in the world with every risky situation they may bypass growing up. The Golden Shovel was the name of the pool …show more content…

Damaging their selves not going to school but wanting to live up to their own potential style of living. Which was not making them cool? They were an uneducated boy growing up thinking they were cool leaving school and showing up late. “We left school”, We Lurk Late”. As the poem went on about the Jazz June through the research the music was from the roots of slavery days where the slave sang sound through communication without their owner knowing what they talking about. The June was the summer time it felt like freedom every day of their life. For them, it was a chance to discover doing the season due to the crop of people who swindle in for June. The last part talks about the lifestyle that leads to death for them but no seem to care about their life for early death. The freedom characterized itself not knowing for the is right or wrong. they assumed responsibility due to actions of ending results of death. The life of the boy may be with excitement and danger with the choosing

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