Analysis Of Venus And Adonis

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Venus and Adonis is a famous and twisted love story between a goddess, and the most handsome mortal on earth. It is part of the Greek mythological culture that is not only known for being the basis of the existence of most people in ancient history, but it has still continued to be a phenomenon for those who enjoy the myth’s and stories of these ancient characters. Although this religion and belief system has almost faded to nothing, there are still many people who study its stories and artwork to completely understand what the artist was trying to portray through these characters and their artwork. Artists throughout history have used these mythological beings or characters as a way to tell a story, convey a message of their current society, and carry on the beautiful religion that once was. One of the artworks that has been continuously assessed, is the heart-wrenching painting by Titian “Venus and Adonis” based off of the mythological story of Venus and Adonis in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. This painting was created during the Renaissance Era which is one of the most influential time periods in history as it contributed to the advancement in intellectual thought in not only science and politics, but in art as well. “Venus and Adonis”’ existence on the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s walls is of importance because of the beautiful talent and composition of Titian work conveying “an allegory of the perils of life guided by fate rather than reason” (Gentili 1980), and also because of the heavy influence of its time. Titian’s “Venus and Adonis” was a fantastic window to the art and views of the Renaissance era. It shows the growing interest in Greek Mythology but also a growing interest in the education of art using proportions and linear ...

... middle of paper ... by using the use of light and shadow with expression. This composition is completely different, however Cupid is still present as well as the dog, playing together in a moment of happiness. Venus and Adonis are madly in love embracing each other rather than one leaving the other as Venus is upon a blue cloth, Adonis again being over red. They are centered in the middle of the painting creating again a triangular shape of the two figures, as their legs are spread apart to the bottom left and right of the painting with their heads meeting at the top of the point. Again the painting is balanced, however asymmetrical to the fact that most of the characters and action are on the left side of the painting. Another contrast to Titian’s “Venus and Adonis” is that they show Venus from the front rather than the back, which is more common to have Venus be facing the front.

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