Analysis Of To Penshurst

942 Words2 Pages

Anthony Inzinna
English 225
Dr. Raber
April 15, 2014

To Penshurst: Equality Among Classes

Ben Jonson’s poem, “To Penshurst”, reflects a genre of poetry known as country house poetry. This poetry was written primarily in order to please the owner of the country house. Jonson’s poem was written specifically to praise the Kent estate of Sir Robert Sidney. What makes Jonson’s country house poem different from the other poems of this time period is the content that Jonson wrote about. Johson’s “To Penshurst” appeals to all classes of people whether it be a peasant or a king due to its sheer acceptance and simplicity in nature. This poem could almost be considered a literal gift to Penshurst, much like it is a gift to all social classes. In this poem, Jonson writes in the hopes of praising the Sidney’s estate, Penshurst. The estate resides in the town of Kent, and the scenery is described as being humble much like the manor. What makes this poem intriguing is how it deviates from the country house poetry of the time. During this time in history, the likelihood of peasants intimately interacting with royalty was very unlikely. What Penshurst offers through this work is lower and middle class equality among all classes. Outside of Penshurst, though, the same concept does not apply. This is because Penshurst, in a sense, could be considered a type of utopia. This is primarily because of the welcoming interaction between peasant and royal life. As mentioned earlier, all classes are not equal outside Penshurst. Penshurst is almost like a paradise for those looking for an escape from the harsh social standards of the society of the time. Though, unlike Thomas More’s “Utopia”, there are no negative connotations that the reader can decip...

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...The Sidney estate is remarkable in its humbling and simplistic nature. The social classes all live harmoniously because of respect and understanding of what each class brings. The peasants, servants, Jonson himself, Sidney’s, and the King all have differing social statuses. It is the ability to not look down upon one another that makes the social order so remarkable. In a sense it is a paradigm of a typical English society, and conversely a watered down utopia for all who knows Penshurst to be a part of. Jonson’s “To Penshurst” is a staple of country house poetry and reflects the magnificence of the natural beauty of the estate. Furthermore, Penshurst incorporated a heartwarming community that managed to capture Johnson’s attention by providing a humbling and inviting experience to all of those who inhabit the beautiful Sidney estate known as Penshurst.

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