Analysis Of They Flee From Me

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Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder wrote many great poems in his time. The poem that is most interesting is They Flee from Me, which we can see that he is talking about a female, possibly multiple ones, and his sexual relations. In his works we are able to identify the themes, repetitions, and so on that helps us understand what is the meaning behind the context of his work. By doing a close reading on They Flee from Me, I intend on focusing on specific details that can be seen through his work. A possible theme that could be seen in this poem is the sexual relationship he has with several woman even though he talks about one specific woman. The speaker states: “They flee from me, that sometime did me seek/ With naked foot stalking in my chamber” (1-2). Here we see the several women coming into his chamber and along with these lines in stanza one the others show how he has relations with them. The speaker also states: “Thanked be fortune it hath been otherwise/ Twenty times better; but once in special,/ In thin array, after a pleasant guise,/ When her loose gown from her shoulders did fal...

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