Analysis Of The Wife's Lament

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The Wife's Lament The Wife's Lament is written in first person persona from the eyes of a wife whom claims the words come from a "deep sadness". She explains to the reader that her despair began when her husband left she and their family behind. She was filled with worry for her beloved and his journey and made the decision to undertake a quest to find him, setting out as a lonely and "friendless wanderer." However, her husband's family did not want the couple to be reunited and devised plans to keep them on opposite sides of the globe. The continued separation left the wife heartbroken and longing for her husband. The wife shares with the reader that her husband ultimately requested her to live with him in a new country and …show more content…

She remembers the good times of their marriage when they had sworn to each other that only death could part them with resignation and laments the love that once was. She sadly relay's that she could never feel fondness for this man again. The friendship which was the beginning of their love affair no longer existed within the eyes of either party. The Wife continued to face hardship at the hands of her husband and his ongoing schemes. To stay safe, she went into hiding in a forest grove in a cave under an oak tree, and that is the location from which she is writing her lament. The cavern leaves the Wife Ashley Guffey Page 2 filled with longing for her home and the presence of her loved ones. The location around the Wife is very similar to the feelings in her own heart in that they are desolate and depressing. The Wife describes her surrounding area using the

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