Analysis Of The Titan's Curse By Rick Riordan

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All throughout my younger preschool and kindergarten years i didn’t read. I didn’t really like reading at the time. This is because i never found books that interested me or that i liked, there were only a few ever. It also didn’t help that i was far sighted and needed glasses to read. They said i would have them for the rest of my life. Now that i could see and read better i was better at it but still didn’t like it. There was nothing that caught my attention or sounded interesting. For a while i got into books about jets and planes in the military or any vehicle really. I read those for a while but i still didn’t feel that these were the books for me. My feelings did change in the third grade though. One day in was in my class at Blue Hills and we were told to choose a book to read. While i was looking, one book caught my attention, it was called “The Titan’s Curse” by Rick Riordan. I picked it up and took it to my seat. I started reading it a little, only into the first few pages, when i was interested but also confused. Then my friend came over and i found out why i was so confused, because this book was the third book in a five book series called “Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief”. He then told me that the first book is called “The …show more content…

That’s why i’m really glad to have found the Percy Jackson series because without it i don’t think i would have found what i really enjoy in books. Also without it, i don’t think i would have been or would be at the reading level i am at now. I found what hooks me and i hope other people do as well because reading is a wonderful thing, whether it’s fiction and adventure like i like or science fiction or even all the way to non-fiction. There is something out there that everyone likes, they just have to try some books and read a few pages and when they find it like i did, they will love reading

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