Exploring Time's Labyrinth: A Review on H.G. Wells' 'The Time Machine'

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During the summer I read ‘The Time Machine” written by H.G wells, with an introduction by Melvin Burgess. This novel is a science fiction novel due to how he uses math to prove that time travel is possible. Our story takes place in 3 of many places. The setting of this story takes place in one single place, but it changes throughout time. It commenced in a suburb of London called Richmond. As the story goes on his surroundings change and now is in a big house where London used to be where Eloi and Morlocks live. Lastly he ends up on a desolate beach in the distant future. The time of the story is from 1980’s throughout million years into the future. ‘The Time Machine’ takes place in many years through the world’s evolution. The main character of this novel is the time traveler himself. The narrator does not specify his name however. The time traveler had grey eyes that twinkled and shone. His pale face was flushed and animated. He was very charismatic with his ideas of traveling time. The narrator was one of the people that the traveler tried to convince that it would work and also had dinner with the main character. Also one of the Eloi was friends with the traveler. The time traveler had tried many inventions that had not succeeded to fulfil its potential. …show more content…

The Time Traveler then creates a miniature time machine and makes it disappear into thin air. The next week, the guest’s come back and they find the host approach. He looks disheveled and tired. They sit down after dinner, and the Time traveler begins his story of how this time travel might work. The traveler then continues to build the machine its

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