Analysis Of The Stavelot Triptych

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The Stavelot Triptych is stunning in its complexity and artistry. It was created by unknown artists, around mid-12th century, possibly for Abbot Wibald, in modern-day Mosan, Belgium. This artwork is currently on display in the Jerusalem exhibit at the MET. The Stavelot Triptych not only tells the story of the True Cross, but it shows the division of the Roman Empire, division of Christianity and the artistic differences between the East and the West. This formal analysis will express how the structure/shape, color, line, composition and techniques/ textures contribute to the meaning of the triptych. The structure is a combination of three triptychs in one, which are all enamel. There is the overall triptych, which is Mosan, and then there …show more content…

On the two outside wings, the six enamel medallions, read from bottom to top. They provide a link to the Byzantine triptychs. These medallions tell the story leading up to the drama of the miracle of the Cross and the conversion of Constantine, the Roman emperor, who was the first to recognize Christianity. The medallions on the left-wing show how Constantine converted to Christianity based on a dream in which an angel points to the cross and tells him he will be victorious over Maxentius, under that symbol. The middle medallion is him along with his soldiers defeating Maxentius in the battle at Milvian Bridge. After this he becomes the sole ruler of the western empire. The upper medallion is when Constantine is baptized near his death. In this medallion the artists use dark enamel lines to accentuate the anatomical parts of Constantine, for example his muscles. From as early as this piece, there are signs of the development of naturalism in Roman art. On the other hand, the medallions on the right tell the story of Saint Helena, Emperor Constantine’s mother, who was believed to have discovered the True Cross. In the lower medallion, Helena questions the Jews. In the middle she digs up the cross and in the top she brings it back to the imperial court. The middle reliquaries, which are static and iconic images, are much more symbolic, …show more content…

The triptychs are stylistically very different because they exhibit both Eastern and Western tendencies. The East is a more iconic style, while the West is a more narrative style. The artists probably used two different techniques to create more action filled scenes vs. more static scenes. The inner triptychs, which are eastern iconic images, were created using cloisonné. This is where the platforms are raised creating compartments that could be filled with precious materials such as stone or glass. It is more static because you have to work in the compartments to create the different forms of the composition. On the other hand, the medallions which are more action filled with drama, were created using champlevé. This is where the surface is gouged with a metal tool and the gouged areas are filled in so it gives more flexibility when building and filling vs. when carving and filling. It is noticeable from looking at the lines that the compartments are more structured. The gouged lines are kind of more flexible and malleable. If you’re trying to show a story of battle with people on horseback, you couldn’t do that with cloisonné, so the artists had to develop a different technique and they decided to apply the metal tool directly unto the

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