Analysis Of The Revolution Anthem

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I didn’t go to school yesterday. I mean I went, but there was only the noon assembly and no class. When Mr. Rassouli rang the bell I went and stood in line as usual. He immediately came out of the building and stood on the podium. Then, as usual, he blew strongly into the microphone twice to make sure the loudspeakers were sound and he gave the cover command in a loud voice. Mr. Rassouli was wearing just a shirt as usual, although the weather was cold. When he gave the cover command, we had to keep an arm plus four fingers’ distance from the one in front of us and stand still. Behind Mr. Rassouli there was a big picture of Imam on the wall which was more than one story high. He looked far away out of the corner of his eye and there were a few …show more content…

He raised the flag as we sang. It was the national anthem which Mr. Rassouli referred to as the Revolution Anthem. He liked it loud and we had to sing in a high pitch. I have not yet memorized the Revolution Anthem. I mean I have, but only its first verse: “The Islamic Republic has been established / Giving us both the Faith and the World.” In fact, at first when we were in Tehran, my mom was anxious about it and tried to help me memorize the anthem. She even set presents for my progress. I became encouraged and memorized the anthem. But, hours later, when she wanted me to repeat it, I couldn’t. It had slipped my mind. My mom practiced some more days with me and even raised the value of the presents. But she realized that her efforts were in vain. She explained to my dad that they must not give me a hard time, because sometimes the memory gets stronger as time goes by. However, my dad wasn’t convinced and said that I had to memorize the anthem straight away. He took the lead himself. We practiced after dinner, but there was no longer any present. The first evening at the dinner my dad said that mom was not the right person and asked me to memorize the anthem in one

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