Analysis Of The Red Scare By Nicola Sacco-Vanzetti

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Radicals and dissidents have often been feared as threats to American way of life. In the spring of 1919 however, with the Bolsheviks advocating worldwide revolution, many Americans feared that the Communists planned to take over the United States. Immediately after the war, there were perhaps 25,000 to 40,000 American Communists, but they were never a threat to the United States. The nation that had seemed to be so united during the Great War splintered into animosity along ethnic, religious, and racial lines. One result of the Red Scare and fear of foreign radicals was the conviction and sentencing of two Italian anarchists, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomea Vanzetti. Cases like Sacco-Vanzetti touched relatively few people, but the intolerance

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