Analysis Of The Play 'Trifles'

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“Trifles” is a one act play that tells the events of farmer John Wright being murdered. During the middle of the night someone slipped a rope around his neck and strangled him to death, and the sole suspect is his quiet and forlorn wife, Minnie Wright. Throughout the course of the play, Glaspell has Mrs. Peter’s shifts in her view of what is moral and immoral as she begins to find things in the house that point to Mrs. Wright being guilty. I will tell of how Mrs. Peters changes her mind of what is moral over the course of the play “Trifles.”
Mrs. Peter tagged along with the Sherriff, Hale’s wife, Hale and the county attorney to retrieve things to bring back to Mrs. Wright. “Mrs. Peters, the sheriffs wife, is "a slight wiry woman [with] a thin nervous face" (Mustazza 3). As Mrs. Peter moves about the house she and Mrs. Hale start to notice things that point to Mrs. Wright having a bleakness emotional life. They try to pass the moments with civil conversation but they unveil that Mrs. Wright is a desperate housewife. Unlike the men, who were looking for forensic evidence, they noticed...

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