Analysis Of The Notre Dame Cathedral

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I decided to analyze the Notre Dame Cathedral. Although it was mentioned in the module I do not think it was “extensively discussed” and that there is much more to be said about the building. I chose to write about the cathedral because on my visit to France I remember touring the building. I was captivated with the architecture and how ornate the building was. It was amazing to see in person and I can remember it clearly to this day. It is also very interesting to see that although it is beginning to fall apart, it has stayed in such good condition for so long. What really spoke to me was the architect’s attention to detail. The Cathedral is not only beautiful from the outside, but on the inside as well. The cathedral was built on a small …show more content…

Even the famous Joan of Arc worshiped in the cathedral “and claimed to that she had visions from god.” The cathedral also had other functions such as the storing and safe keeping of important French artifacts. In 1160 Maurice de Sully, the Bishop of France ordered the Cathedral to be built and construction began in 1163 and was completed in 1345 under the power of Philip the sixth and in 1804 Napoleon was crowned in the cathedral. The Cathedral was constructed of stone and consists of two towers, a spire and ten bells located throughout the building. The cathedral is 420 feet at its highest point and 157 feet wide. The proportion of the Notre Dame is very large compared to other buildings. It is said that the large proportions of “cathedrals make people feel insignificant in comparison to the power of god.” The Cathedral is mostly “French Gothic” but considering it took over 200 years to finish it contains “areas that demonstrate the Renaissance and the Naturalism era of construction.” The cathedral has flying buttresses and gargoyles that show off the gothic style of the …show more content…

The one major similarity between Notre Dame and Dali’s painting is religion. This is a common theme through all forms of art. Although Dali’s painting is his perception of the religion in his eyes and the Cathedral was built for the sole purpose of religion, it is a similarity. Notre Dame also portrays religion in very grand way. The architect’s spared no expense when building such an extravagant building all for the purpose of worshipping their god. This is similar to Dali’s Painting. Dali explains that he “saw this image in color and which in my dream represented the nucleus of the atom.” In other words, he describes Christ as the center of everything like the nucleus is to an atom. In both occasions Christ or is put before everything else. The differences are similar to the ones mentioned before. It can be hard to compare a painting which has no constraints but the mind of the creator when a building must be made to stand and defend itself from the forces of

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