Analysis Of The Movie Tangled

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"You were my new dream//and you were mine". The film Tangled was one of the most well made films in history due to its use of camera techniques to convey more than the actor/actresses can say. The directors Nathan Greno and Byron Howard 's techniques made the film unforgettable. In addition, the actor/actresses Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Murphy and Ron Perlman brought it to life with their acting. It was a film with everything people love from romance to humor to good life lessons. It did what any good film does make you forget your troubles and escape reality for a certain amount of time. The film Tangled through its use of techniques such as establishing shot, medium shot, tracking shot, aerial shot, swish pan, reverse angle, low angle, …show more content…

We 're on the edge of our seats excited to see this modern day love story unfold. Cut to the next shot a medium shot that gives us a detailed look at the main character Rapunzel. We see her long, curled blonde hair that is strong enough to support a fully grown man like a rope. We gaze off into those big, green eyes of hers that make the night sky hide in shame. Finally, we adore those pink lips of her that make cotton candy wither in shame. Through the technique of front lighting her face is lighted up by the excitement of seeing lanterns. We feel the familiar curiosity of seeing something for the first time. Furthermore, it draws on our emotions. We look at things the way she does. It also foreshadows the way Rapunzel views love. Just like the lantern it is foreign but draws out her curiosity. Love is as beautiful a sight as the lantern and maybe even more beautiful. Four seconds later the director uses the infamous point of view shot. It show us what Rapunzel is looking at. It follows her eyesight. It shows us what the main character is so fascinated and excited by. It draws out a sense of excitement in us because when we watch a movie we cant help but feel what the character …show more content…

It also shows us where the lanterns are flying. Along with the sound choice of a romantic song we can see how this communicates the theme of love. It does this by showing love in a new light. It makes us wonder will Rapunzel ever forgive the dark love she once knew and embrace this light love. We are excited to see her challenge herself to look at love as a good, safe thing not something that just locks you up and refuses to accept your existence. The lantern makes the idea of love brighter. In Rapunzel 's eye love use to be a dark idea because her mom showed her that love was possession but now with the help of Flynn she sees how bright love can be. In other words, she 's looking at love in a whole new light. The long shot shows us that the lanterns are flying away. It shows us a thousand lanterns going up with the wind. This communicates the theme of love in that love is a roller coaster that only goes up. It symbolizes how the love Rapunzel and Flynn have for each other will only get better. It makes us wonder how it feels to be in love like that. We all fall in love but each of us experience it differently. We are excited to see young love because what 's more poetic than love besides heartbreak of course. We sit there pondering the exact emotions going through these characters. Flash to ten seconds later and the

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