Analysis Of The Movie Stand By Me

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The movie Stand By Me based on the book The Body written by Stephen King, is about a group of four boys who go on a journey to find a body of a dead boy. It’s a flash back that one of the main characters, Gordie, is having after he reads that his best childhood friend gets stabbed. He is writing a story about this experience. This movie was filmed in 1986 directed by Rob Reiner. The functionalist theory, the conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism are all good sociological ways to analyze this movie. There are also a few other concepts that are present in the film, agents of socialization, mechanical solidarity, deviance, and the control theory. The movie is set in Castle Rock, Oregon. It opens with a man looking at a newspaper article about a man being stabbed to death. Then it goes onto show four young boys: Gordie, Chris, Vern, and Teddy, who decide to go look for a kid who had gone missing a few days before, Ray Brower. They all head off on this adventure, but there is one problem. There is another group of older guys: Ace, Billy, Charlie, Eyeball, and Vince, who also know about the body, but they don’t come in much until …show more content…

Finding him is the manifest, or intended, function of the boys’ actions. The boys felt that knowing what happened to Roy Bower would help, not only themselves, but it would also help the town morn his death and grow as a community. They feel like they will be heroes to the community and become famous when they find the body and report it to the cops. That feeling of helpfulness, and fame, is what pushes the boys to go look for

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