Analysis Of The Movie Selma

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Hanin Yaghmour Mrs.Costello history 7 Selma The movie Selma introduced us to the difference in how the discrimination against African Americans to vote was dealt with. which differed from Dr. Martin Luther King to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the politicians in the legislative branch. Dr. King believed the primary action that was fundamental for African Americans to actually be equal in this country was the ability to vote therefore making Selma, Alabama his next battlefield as a result of it being the city of most Radical violence Dr.King had began with a peaceful protest he wanted the media to know, to raise awareness as much as possible however in his process he realized he needed more than a protest but …show more content…

King frustrated and even hopeless at some point which led him to be more assertive to his approach Dr.King : “We are not asking our rights, We are demanding them”. At the beginning of the movie Dr. King had recently received a Nobel peace prize when he met with President Johnson he appeared to be willing and supporting Dr. King’s movement in reality he indirectly did not support and did not care about the violence African Americans had to go through to register to vote. He tried to convince Dr. king to address more fundamental issues such as poverty in reality very few to no politicians wanted African Americans to vote because it would be a powerful weapon for them to have. Dr. King realized they were trying to break him down Dr. King: “they gonna ruin me so they so they can ruin this movement”. They did so by trying to weaken his relationship with his wife. Governor of Alabama George Wallace reacted violently after the march to Selma’s court house led by Dr. King many were imprisoned including Dr. king himself. Governor Wallace then took action by using force for an upcoming march at night that took place in Marion, Alabama he used state troops which assaulted, injured and even killed many

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