Analysis Of The Matrix

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The Matrix questions what is reality and if the world we live in is actually real. From watching The Matrix I learned it is about a man named Neo who discovers that the world that he thought was real is actually a program called the matrix, and it is a program that allows machines to use humans as a source of energy. Neo as well as other humans are unaware of this, and Neo only learns the truth of the matrix once he is unplugged. Once Neo was unplugged he became capable of seeing the real world that was hidden from him before. As Morpheus says “ The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth”. The Matrix explores the ideas of Plato’s theory of forms, Descartes Cogito ego sum, and Berkley’s Idealism.

Plato’s Theory of Forms is the idea that there are perfect forms for everything and that there are copies of that form. Also believed by Plato is that our world consists of the copies that we are only able to see and that the copies are connected to the perfect forms (Stickney, 2011). When Neo became unplugged from the reality created by the machines he was then able to go back into the Matrix as an identical copy of himself, and the copy was connected to the real Neo since he can be killed in the Matrix. In the Matrix people live in a world controlled by machines and are unaware that the world they live in not real. In the Allegory of the Cave the prisoners are chained to the cave like the people in the Matrix, and when one of the prisoners was freed like Neo the prisoners rejected the new knowledge. As Morpheus says in the movie “Most people aren’t ready to wake up and will fight for the Matrix” like the machines who were against humans getting unplugged. Plato would think the way The Matrix ...

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...understood idea until it is perceived.

In my opinion the ideas that were expressed in this film made me question if the reality that I live in this world is actually real or fake like the matrix world in the movie. I also thought The Matrix helped me understood what it really means to search for the truth or knowledge, and it also made me question what will the future will come to if artificial intelligence continues to be developed. Since in the movie Neo searches for the truth and finds tout the artificial intelligence won the war against humans, allowing them to have full control of them. The film makes me wonder if what is actually real in our world, since it may be just mere copies of the actual form that we cannot see as Plato says. The Matrix overall helped me understand these philosophers ideas and how they connected to the movie as well as our world.

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