Analysis Of The Last Lecture By Randy Pausch

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In The Last Lecture, the author, Randy Pausch, provided insight to his life from his childhood up to some of his last moments. The book is a different version of the last lecture that he gave students at Carnegie Mellon; it focuses on some of the major points that he spoke about, as well as points that he did not. Throughout the book, Pausch told of the lessons he had learned, significant days in his life, and how he impacted the lives around him. At the end of the book, he said he gave his last lecture, which included much of what the book is about, in order to leave a legacy for his children. Every person should want to leave a legacy of some sort for the future generations to learn from, even if it is not for one’s children. Though I do …show more content…

While dying is a major concern for innumerable people, Pausch did not make thinking about dying a priority in his life; he had accepted that it was inevitable. Rather than focus on dying, he focused on what was going to make his family happy in addition to what he was going to leave behind for them and everyone else. In chapter 59: Dreams for my Children, Pausch explains the adventures and activities he had recently ventured to do with his family. Additionally, he gave light to the dreams and aspirations that he had for his children; though, he later wrote that he did not want them to feel like they had to fulfill them just because it was what he said. I can relate to this specific chapter because my family has high hopes for my life. Pausch wrote “I want you to become what YOU want to be” (198). This quote made me realize that my family’s words have impacted many of my decisions in life, but now that I reached the point in life where I am almost on my own, I will be who I want to be. They have wanted me to enter a career field with the potential of earning money that they could not dream of. I, on the other hand, do not care about materialistic lifestyle. The legacy that I want to leave behind is that I helped the underdeveloped countries to live a healthier and safer life. My legacy that …show more content…

His legacy has been spread around the United States, impacting the lives of those who hear his lecture and who read his book. His words have shown me that leaving a legacy that leaves an impression on the world is possible. Pausch has inspired me, as well as people through the states, to never give up on our dreams. If people were to give up, others would follow suit, and nothing would get accomplished. Dreams and legacies go hand in hand. Pausch’s dreams shaped him into the man he became, which provided him with optimism. The optimism he had throughout his life to the strength he needed to leave his

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