Analysis Of The Hidden Life Of Garbage

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In the face of our expanding landfills and consumed goods, garbage production has doubled in the U.S over the past 20 years. Society not realizing the negative effects of garbage in the U.S will affect the outcome of change in the future. In Heather Roger’s essay entitled “The Hidden
Life of Garbage,” the main point being dealt with is the issue that the U.S.A has a problem with trash, lacking the importance of recycling. Since most people don’t recycle, the amount of garbage in the U.S is getting higher at a rapid rate, causing problems to our environment, health, and society.
We are trash. Literally. Heather Rogers makes this assertion in her article “The Hidden Life of Garbage,” Here, she argues that although landfills have progressed, becoming …show more content…

Rogers begins her informative piece by providing background information on dump grounds and moves on to providing a behind the scenes knowledge of the working ways of one of these environmentally responsible wastelands, and wouldn’t you know, they do exist! Although her exploration of these vast acreages of waste have allowed our planet to move past the old school, unsanitary, and aesthetically unpleasant dumps, she reaffirms at the end that we are still being environmentally irresponsible; thus, creating a convincing and thorough argument that strengthens her assertion that America has a major problem with garbage. “There’s a reason landfills are tucked away, on the edge of town, in otherwise

untraveled terrain, camouflaged by hydroseeded, neatly tiered slopes.” (Rogers 189), but few ever think about where all the trash goes. The writer is trying to face the problem on how people don’t pay no attention to the garbage, but if the garbage was thrown right in front of them, then they would see the hurt that all this garbage is causing and would want to find a way that will not only be temporary so that we can put an end to this and have a solution.
In “The Hidden Life of Garbage,” Rogers interprets how if garbage wasn’t hidden then …show more content…

I do agree on how Rogers points out the serious problem, however, I wish she would of recommended ways to aid and remedy the problem we have with garbage so that this can be solved in a matter of time. Even something as simple as using an old butter container and filling it with menudo can make a small difference to avoid more trash to the landfills and the garbage to be expanding by doing just that little thing as an example of recycling. Although we have a lot of different avenues to recycle, for example, the Waste Management Inc. by providing a recycle bin, people still choose to not use them or miss use them by putting trash into the recycle bin only causing more work for
Waste Management. Negatively miss using the advantage the people in the society are adding to the problem of how our environment is just increasing with loads
After reading Heather Rogers article I feel she awakened me to the real problems we are facing and although one person can’t change the world I will be more accountable for my garbage and try to recycle so that the change could restore the planet we share. Rogers made it clear on providing evidence for her thesis, but she should have added improvements maybe

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